Workers Eager to Contribute to National Electricity Grid Plan

August 8, 2023

OTTAWA – Canada’s unions applaud the federal government’s release of a vision for a net-zero electricity grid as part of the transition to a sustainable economy. This investment offers immense economic opportunity and Canada’s workers are ready and able to build the infrastructure we need to achieve this net-zero grid. 

During a year when many communities are witnessing a worsening of the already-devastating impacts of climate change, the need for swift and widespread climate action remains urgent. “Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and one that will include everyone from government officials to energy company executives, to front line workers and their unions,” says Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “Workers in communities across Canada are leading the transition to powering the country with sustainable energy. They expect the government to take ambitious action to move with them.” 

Canada’s unions are pleased that the vision document includes a plan to include workers and their unions in a meaningful way throughout the process. As Canada transitions to a net-zero economy there is immense opportunity to create and protect good, unionized jobs, with pathways into these jobs for women, Indigenous and racialized workers, and other equity-seeking groups. 

“These workers are the ones who will make our transition possible; we won’t meet our climate goals without them,” says Bruske. “If Canada is going to achieve net-zero by 2030, the workers making that happen need good, union jobs.” 

Canada’s unions will continue to push for investments in sustainable energy and climate action, including supports for workers whose jobs are affected by climate change and provisions like new jobs, comprehensive training initiatives, upskilling and reskilling, skills recognition, Employment Insurance (EI), mental health support, family support, pension bridging, relocation assistance, and other essential measures. 

“Today’s announcement is a critical step in the climate action process. We remain committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure that workers are included in the creation of an equitable and sustainable future for all,” says Bruske. “We know that communities with good, union jobs embedded within them are stable and resilient. We are focused on making sure the transition puts as many of these jobs in as many communities as possible.” 

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CLC Media Relations 

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